I’d be willing to bet that unless you are a prepper, most of what you know about preppers is wrong. You might be familiar with one of several “Doomsday Prepper” shows or a survivalist show featuring people like Bear Grylls. And, while those shows and such are exciting and fun to watch, that’s not at all what preppers are all about.
Prepper Misconceptions
They are paranoid and/or conspiracy theorists
I blame television completely for this, undoubtedly the most common misconception. Preppers are often seen as being a little weird or simply paranoid. But the truth is that preppers are really just less interested in relying on someone else (be it a person, organization or government) to do things for them. Most of the preppers I have met are actually some of the most calm and well-balanced people I know.
They are extremists who are expecting the apocalypse
Nope. Prepping isn’t about getting ready for zombies to start eating people or for the government to completely collapse. See above statement (although as an aside, being a prepper in either situation wouldn’t hurt).
They are isolated
Once again, I am sure there are some preppers who live in the middle of nowhere, but it’s not necessary. You can be a prepper no matter where you live because prepping is simply setting aside the means and learning skills to be self-sufficient should the need arise. You don’t have to live in the country to know how to build a fire or to purchase a water purifier.
They are gun fanatics
This misconception actually makes sense, as it’s common for some of the more dedicated preppers to familiarize themselves with guns and self-defense. I mean, how many times have you seen looters in the news right after a natural disaster? Being able to protect yourself isn’t a bad idea, and many preppers have firearms for this reason.
They live in bunkers and prepare constantly
While I am certain there are some preppers who live in bunkers and the like, this is hardly the norm. Most preppers are just normal people who live in a house just like you or I. Prepping is a way of life, but it doesn’t have to encompass a prepper’s entire life.
They are rich (after all, prepping is very expensive, right?)
Sure, it’s easy to spend a million dollars on prepping. But let’s be honest; you can spend a million dollars on just about anything. Being a prepper isn’t actually as expensive as you might think, and it’s something many people slowly work towards by purchasing a few extra things here or there. You don’t have to be a millionaire to be a prepper.
So what are preppers?
Those are all of the things that preppers are not. So what, exactly, ARE preppers? To put it shortly, prepping is exactly what it sounds: being prepared. Like everything, there are different levels of preppers and while some do have backups to live for years without much outside help, others simply have a couple of month’s food and basics stored away. It’s all dependent on what you are comfortable with.
Interesting in reading more or trying your own hand at it? Check out this article on getting started!
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