If your family is anything like mine, it can be hard to pull everyone away from their various technologies for a family game night. There are just so many possible distractions whenever you get technology involved.
So, why not organize a family game night and try some of these great family-friendly and technology-free games? Some involve cards or marbles while others require nothing more than a piece of paper, a watch and some imagination! Let the games begin!!
Card Games
- Go Fish – (at least 2 players) You need a regular deck of cards to play this family-friendly game. This is an excellent choice if you have little ones. Read the rules here.
- Alternatively, the game Authors is very similar, but geared more towards adults. Read the rules here.
- War – (2 or 4 players) This game is good for slightly older kids as you have to understand the ranking of the cards. It can be set up as a tournament as well! Rules for 2 players or Rules for 4 players.
- Slapjack – (at least 2 players) This was a family favorite at my house, as it took virtually nothing but a quick eye. Not the best for small children, but a great game if you have an age gap. Read the rules here.
- Red Dog – (at least 2 players) Sort of a family-friendly version of poker, this game requires chips (although anything non-edible would be appropriate) and betting. Instead of tracking complicated hands and betting against others, this game requires betting against the deck itself and understanding card rankings. Read the rules here.
- Hollywood Eights – (at least 2 players) This game is very similar to Uno and players match cards with the goal of reaching a score of 100 to win. Read the rules here.
Creativity/Social Games
- Charades – (at least 2, but more is better) You can either print off ideas or have everyone write out their own charade scenarios based on themes. Then, team up and have one person act it out at a time until their team guesses. Speaking is not allowed for the actor. Each successful guess within the time limit gets one point. Read more rules and tips here.
- Pictionary – (at least 4 players) this game is basically the same as Charades, but instead of acting out, you draw it out until your team guesses. Letters are not allowed.
- Who am I? – (at least 4, but more is better) This is a modified drinking game. In the family-friendly version, you sit in a circle and number an index card 1-5. Then write down 5 famous people (fictional or real) without letting anyone see. Flip it over and pass to the person on your right, who sticks it to their forehead without looking. Then try and guess your people within the time limit based on the clues from those around the table. One point is rewarded for each correct guess, one point subtracted for any you did not guess within the time limit. First team to 21 points wins.
- Hangman – (2 people) Much like Wheel of Fortune, players guess letters to try and solve the phrase or word. Each wrong guess adds one piece to the hanged man.
- Truth – (any number of players) Taking turns, one person will say three statements: two true and one false. Players will try and guess which is false, and get points for each correct guess.
Other Game Ideas
- Marbles – (any number of players) To play this game, you must have a good amount of marbles around, although any round, wrapped candy will do. Read the rules here.
- Dominoes – (2 – 4 players) There are many different versions of dominoes (and no, I don’t mean stacking and knocking them over!) Straight dominoes is probably the best to start. Read the rules here.
- Board Game – Choose a favorite family board game and make a an evening of it! Monopoly and Risk are popular choices, as is Candyland or Life.
- Tournament – You can take any number of games (even 2 player games) and set up a tournament. Be sure to come up with a great prize for the winner!
Do you have a favorite game that your family leans towards? Share with me in the comments!
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